Logistic Regression Code – Telecom Churn Example

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Lets explore logisitic regression code done in python today. We have a dataset available for sample telecom provided where we have data of its customer who may or may not churn.

We have to make a prediction on the data set as accurately as possible.

Lets see how we can do that !

Simple Linear Regression – Python code

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Here is sample code for Simple Regression that you can easily follow !

Github link : https://github.com/jeswinaugustine/machine_learning_code/blob/master/Linear%20regression/Simple_Linear_Regression.ipynb

Linear Regression Interview Questions – Part 2

In the previous post, you saw some common interview questions asked on linear regression. The questions in that segment were mostly related to the essence of linear regression and focused on general concepts related to linear regression. This section extensively covers the common interview questions asked related to the concepts learnt in multiple linear regression.

Q1. What is Multicollinearity? How does it affect the linear regression? How can you deal with it?

Multicollinearity occurs when some of the independent variables are highly correlated (positively or negatively) with each other. This multicollinearity causes a problem as it is against the basic assumption of linear regression. The presence of multicollinearity does not affect the predictive capability of the model. So, if you just want predictions, the presence of multicollinearity does not affect your output. However, if you want to draw some insights from the model and apply them in, let’s say, some business model, it may cause problems.

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Linear Regression Interview Questions – Part 1

It is a common practice to test data science aspirants on linear regression as it is the first algorithm that almost everyone studies in Data Science/Machine Learning. Aspirants are expected to possess an in-depth knowledge of these algorithms. We consulted hiring managers and data scientists from various organisations to know about the typical Linear Regression questions which they ask in an interview. Based on their extensive feedback a set of question and answers were prepared to help students in their conversations.

Q1. What is linear regression?

In simple terms, linear regression is a method of finding the best straight line fitting to the given data, i.e. finding the best linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

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Logistic Regression Interview Questions – Part 3

Q1. What is accuracy?
Accuracy is the number of correct predictions out of all predictions made.

Accuracy=True Positives+True NegativesTotal Number of Predictions

Q2. Why is accuracy not a good measure for classification problems?
Accuracy is not a good measure for classification problems because it gives equal importance to both false positives and false negatives. However, this may not be the case in most business problems. For example, in the case of cancer prediction, declaring cancer as benign is more serious than wrongly informing the patient that he is suffering from cancer. Accuracy gives equal importance to both cases and cannot differentiate between them.

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Logistic Regression Interview Questions – Part 2

Q1. What is the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)?
 The MLE chooses those sets of unknown parameters (estimator) that maximise the likelihood function. The method to find the MLE is to use calculus and setting the derivative of the logistic function with respect to an unknown parameter to zero, and solving it will give the MLE. For a binomial model, this will be easy, but for a logistic model, the calculations are complex. Computer programs are used for deriving MLE for logistic models.

(Here’s another approach to answering the question.)

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Logistic Regression Interview Questions – Part 1

Q1. What is a logistic function? What is the range of values of a logistic function?
The logistic function is as defined below:


The values of a logistic function will range from 0 to 1. The values of Z will vary from −∞ to +∞.

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Inferential Statistics – Part 1

Introduction: Inferential Statistics :

The process of “inferring” insights from sample data is called “Inferential Statistics”

Basics of Probability:

In the topic we will go through:

  • Basic definition of probability
  • Multiplication rule of probability
  • Addition rule of probability
  • nCr (Combinatorics)

Random Variables

Random variables are quantities with distinct characteristics and behavior.

  1. Random variables are denoted by capital letters
  2. Random variables are associated with random processes
  3. Random variables give numbers to outcomes of random events.
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Data Analysis using SQL – Part 3 – Advanced SQL

Data Analysis using SQL – Part 3 – Advanced SQL

You now know two types of SQL commands, namely:

  • Data Definition Language
  • Data Manipulation Language

The Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to create and modify the schema of the database. Commands like CREATE, ALTER and DROP are part of this language.

As a data analyst, you would always be actively involved in data retrieval activities. Here, the Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands would come in handy, e.g. the DML command SELECT, its purpose, various clauses and filtering operations.

Order by Clause

The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on one or more columns. Some databases sort the query results in an ascending order by default.

The basic syntax of the ORDER BY clause is as follows −

SELECT column-list 
FROM table_name 
[WHERE condition] 
[ORDER BY column1, column2, .. columnN] [ASC | DESC];

The order in which it appears is “select * from table where some_variable = x order by some_variable”. 

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